Thursday, August 12, 2010


Hello my name is Chennakeshav Shenoy, friends call me Ck or Chenna or Channa. People also refer to me in various regressive mispronunciations of my name, these are not friends. I like to think of myself as quite the whiz with words, it is not something I was born with, but have developed over the years. Somebody once told me that I should put this trait to good use, crank out a story or some sort of prose that could both interest and entertain the world. To this end I did write some pieces over the last three some odd years, in the form of short stories, articles and a dedicated blog on the internet since 2007. These endeavours have been quite satisfactory, but short lived. The blog is continuing strong, and yet there isn’t much of substance that I contribute on it anymore.

Then I hit upon the idea of writing a dummy manuscript, and focus on material very close to home – myself. This would be a spirit journey, to analyze and deduce my own life, which granted is not as interesting as might think, but I promise I would pepper with some wild adventures and happenings. But let me introduce you to the genesis of this book which would put you at ease.

“Where is CK? I only see Chennakeshav here! What happened to Ck ?” my friend asked me. And I started thinking that there may be more to what she said that what met the eye. It was true that I had changed significantly since I started working. The gradual change had occurred over three years, to be better suited to work, better suited for the company I was keeping, for the women I was charming. Had I lost myself? Who was CK? And who was Chennakeshav?

So I set about finding myself by deconstructing who and analyzing certain important aspects of my life. This book is dedicated to all the people who have helped shape who I am – love to you all!